Legal notice
Diplom-Dolmetscherin Fee Engemann (conference interpreter)
Detmolder Straße 14
D-28207 Bremen
E-Mail: f.engemann(at)
VAT Reg No: DE114459853
Diplom-Dolmetscherin Helle Fordyce (conference interpreter)
Grüne Aue 74
D-12683 Berlin
E-Mail: h.fordyce(at)
VAT Reg No: DE239912012
Diplom-Konferenzdolmetscher Conrado Portugal (conference interpreter)
Ellmenreichstr. 22a
D-20099 Hamburg
E-Mail: c.portugal(at)
VAT Reg No: DE203763474
Diplom-Dolmetscherin Manuela Wille (conference interpreter)
Kanzlerstraße 39
D-21079 Hamburg
E-Mail: m.wille(at)
VAT Reg No: DE154226161
Fee Engemann, Helle Fordyce, Conrado Portugal and Manuela Wille are independent freelance conference interpreters. This website does not constitute a legal partnership between any of its operators.
We do not accept any responsibility for the content of any external sites. The responsibility for the content of such sites lies solely with their respective owners and operators.
© photos: Haidan – Unsplash, Jonas Jacobsson – Unsplash